privacy :

You can use this website to seek information on our products and services and check on career opportunities etc. without providing details about yourself. This site does not store or capture personal information, but merely logs the user’s IP address.

The VIJUKAM Privacy Policy is applicable whenever VIJUKAM collects, receives, possesses, stores or handles information of an organisation or an individual in the nature of name, title, organization, address, telephone number, fax number, e-mail address etc . All such information is stored in a secure database which has adequate security measures to protect these from unauthorized access or use. Access to this database is restricted to the authorized persons of VIJUKAM . The information will be deleted when not required. We will not use or share, either within VIJUKAM or with third party, any information collected at this page for direct marketing purposes. We may also remove all the personally identified information and use the rest for historical, stastical or scientific purpose. If you e-mail to us, you are voluntarily releasing information to us.

Your e-mail address will be used by VIJUKAM to respond to you. We will not use the information that can identify you, such as your e- mail address, for direct marketing. We will maintain this information, as well as your business activities and transactions, strictly confidential.